Monday, March 7, 2016


As cliche as it may be to make New Year's Resolutions, the one vow I have made for this year of my life is to love myself at whatever stage I am in. I have found myself too often this past year comparing my stage in life to those around me. I'm talking physical shape, career (or lack thereof), financial stability, milestone life events, relationships, you name it. One of my favorite, but forgotten, quotes is "Comparison is the thief of happiness". A.M.E.N. to that. Comparison really steals our happiness and robs us of our self-worth! So this year, I am working to make some mindful changes in order to allow myself to be peaceful with my place in the world.

One topic I feel called to touch on is social media. I'm sure many other bloggers have shed light on this issue, but it has personally consumed me more than I would care to admit to myself. We see these beautiful girls on Instagram that have the image of a perfect life, perfect body, perfect hair, makeup, clothes, etc. But that is all it is: an IMAGE. If we only broadcast the 0.01% of our personal "highlights" in life, that is comparable to what we see broadcast all over Instagram. Truthfully, I would imagine it is exhausting to constantly prep for the perfect post, picture, video, or caption. The one thing I would use my voice to say is that you should enjoy your life in the moment, and let your happiness dictate what you share, regardless of the image or attention you wish to bring to yourself.

One aspect of my life that I tend to minimize is my career path. I began a PhD program in Pharmacology in 2014, and it has changed me monumentally already, in good ways and not-so-great ways. However, I have finally begun to give myself credit where credit is due. The PhD life, regardless of the field, is an incredibly difficult road. So when I achieve something that shapes me even minimally in this journey, I celebrate it! It is one of the ways I have found to enjoy the road I am on instead of dragging my feet the whole way. If you are on a career path that requires tiny steps to reach an ultimate destination, be mindful of the steps you accomplish to see the progress you've made. I try my best not to compare myself with those around me, those friends that have a stable, good-paying salary, because honestly, I just have to know that I won't get that for several more years. However, I have good friends, lots of love and support, a rockin' education, and plenty of laughter to get me through the rough patches that come every now and then. So I would encourage you to sit down and think of all the blessings, lessons, strengths, and silver-linings that your career path brings to your life, and try to embrace any negative aspects that will surely be there in your career for a reason. Whatever job you have is valued and important, so celebrate that.

Learn to celebrate yourself, your accomplishments, and your attitude rather than breaking yourself down for your mistakes, shortcomings, or flaws. We are flawed and the mistakes are part of the learning-process. If we rejoice in the life we are living, each day will be more rewarding and worthwhile. So go out with friends, buy little treats, take a long walk, see the movie you've been wanting to see, and for gosh sakes, ALWAYS  eat the dessert!

With love and celebration,

Erika Follow my blog with Bloglovin

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